The text widget
In Brief
This is a wrapper around the standard Tk text widget which provides Ttk/Tile focus styles, appropriate for whichever theme is active.
From v0.14, this widget provides an automatic right-click popup menu with standard actions (Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Redo, Select All, Clear).
::tclmacbag::text pathName ?Options?
In general, use standard Tk Text widget options, apart from the following which should not be used:
-borderwidth, -highlightthickness, -background and -bg.
These are handled internally by the metawidget according to the Tile/Ttk theme chosen.
The following additional options are available:
- -rmargin Pixels
Provides a right-margin for text input boxes. This right-margin is provided outside the Text widget's control, so it will be in addition to any rmargins you
might create using Text tags.
It is provided mainly to make things more simple for Autoscroll controlled scrollbars (see example below).
This option first appeared in version 0.20.
grid [::tclmacbag::text .t -height 25 -width 70 -wrap none -rmargin 15] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nsew
grid [::tclmacbag::scrollbar .vs -orient vertical -command {.t yview}] -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nse
.t configure -wrap word
By default, this widget contains bindings to a popup menu with the following menu options (disabled where
the option is inappropriate or the data is unavailable):
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, (Separator), Undo, Redo, (Separator), Select All, Clear.
For display-only widgets, the standard Tk ::text widget (with a focus highlight of 0 pixels) is more
appropriate. However, unbinding the menus is as simple as redefining the bindings to
Control-ButtonPress-1, ButtonRelease-2 and ButtonRelease-3.
The popups menu first appeared in version 0.14.
Further Information
As is standard, ::tclmacbag::text returns with value of
pathName, for ease of use with geometry managers like grid and pack.
From v0.09, the TclMacBag text widget is written using Snit. The result is: $w_Text should no longer be used to control the text portion
of this megawidget. Use $w instead.
From v0.14, TclMacBag sets up a virtual event called <<RightClick>> which is <ButtonRelease-3> on all systems except
Mac, where it is <Control-ButtonPress-1>. To disable the right-click binding, or replace it with your own, use:
bind $w <<RightClick>> { }